- 安徽雪锐龙冷链设备有限公司
- 手机:18101353787
- 地址:安徽省安庆市大观区近圣街27栋
First, fresh meat cabinet material is better. This is mainly measured by life. For external materials, it needs abrasion resistance, pressure resistance and impact resistance. To know in the supermarket such environment, collision friction is regular, some pipes need to achieve corrosion resistance, cold performance is good, not easy to deformation, joint joints and other requirements, so that the supermarket in the environment to ensure normal and long-term work.
Two, the fresh meat cabinet refrigeration speed is fast, the temperature control is good. The work temperature control is a performance parameter for the refrigerator product. Most of the fresh meat cabinet is suitable for the preservation of plant food. It can ensure that the juice contained in this kind of food is not less than its freezing point and keeps the fresh state. Good air curtain cabinet, supermarket refrigerator can not only ensure that the temperature of the refrigerator is in accordance with the temperature of the food requirements, but also can pass the high quality refrigerating unit to make the refrigerating speed of the refrigerator faster.
Three. The cooling effect of fresh meat cabinet is better. The insulation effect of the insulation layer in the production process of the fresh meat cabinet is the standard to measure a good fresh meat cabinet, and it is also a way of saving energy for the customers of the supermarket. The good heat preservation effect of the fresh meat cabinet will not change with the influence of the external environment temperature, and always keep the temperature of the suitable food stored in the cabinet.
Four, the fresh meat cabinet meets the demand of the supermarket power compressor. For commercial refrigerator, it has its own unique commercial environment, the application requirements, such as the frequent starting times, the actual operation may not turn off the machine for several months, so the demand for the compressor is higher. Generally speaking, the price of the commercial compressor is much higher than the household type compressor, and a good fresh meat cabinet is compressed. The machine can adapt to the bad environment of the supermarket, start the performance well, the failure rate is low, and there are a variety of specifications for the supermarket customers to choose, so as to be well received and loved by the customers.
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